I tried [your CD] out on my advanced class the other day, and they were surprised (very different sound than they're used to) but very much enjoyed it. It got a big thumbs up! -- Alice Stainer (Oxford, England)
Thank you so much for the new CD which is *great*!!! Well done on another super recording - Ian Muir (Glasgow, Scotland)
Very well done! Loved that you included Dr. Stocker's Hornpipe, also really loved the "string quartet" in Flower of Glasgow, Trip to Timber Ridge is very exciting, but think my favorite is Bonnie Stronshiray - Julee Montes (Foster City, CA)
I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!! I am enjoying the tune selections!! Will be listening all night and all week and ....Thank you to you and the band!! Lydia Hedge (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Smashing! We love dancing to the music by the Reel of Seven... I also have the first two CD's and they are the most requested music by the members of my Scottish country dance class -- Ellie Hayes (Fort Worth, Texas)
I want to thank you so much for the great CD! Eileen and I listened to it on the way back down to Santa Barbara and it's been stuck in my car ever since getting played and played and played!! Mairi Hand (Boise, Idaho)
Hope Reel of seven is going to produce more CDs, I love listening and dancing to Dance for joy and have introduced it to lots of people down here. Helen Greenwood (Auckland, NZ)
I have listened to the 'Dance for Joy' CD and I was absolutely impressed the Reel of the Royal Scots with the 32 bars in Arabian music is inspiring. The White Heather Jig was great and certainly toe tapping, loved the drums solo. I really can say that it was an uplifting CD and that it made you want to dance! - Pamela Emerson (Belfast, Ireland)
A welcome reminder of that unique, exciting Asilomar music sound - Pat Houghton (Edinburgh, Scotland)
What a great group! A dynamite opening medley!...Your arrangements and your piano work is just great, moving the tunes along with such energy. And the playing is at such a high level. Wow. That this is a live CD is all the more impressive. Honestly, I didn't expect to find a CD of SCD tunes so musically satisfying. I tend to think of it as for principally for dancing, which of course it is, but you've made it a great listening CD through the choice of tunes, the arrangements, great playing, and mainly the spirit of it. Bravo. - Paul Machlis (Felton, CA)
Wow, lots of energy, interesting tunes, neat orchestrations, and a great honor to have my tune included. Very very nice interpretation by Janet - Barbara McOwen (Boston, MA)
Full of spirit! - Elinor Vandegrift (Seattle, WA)
Omigod!!! I have just heard The Magic of Merrill!!!!! What a kicker!! And Asilomar Romantic.... lovely choice of instrument for the start and end of the track! It's a real corker. And I am telling everyone who will listen!!! You deserve swelled heads!!! - Lydia Hedge (Nova Scotia, Canada)
We're used to looking to the USA for SCD music that is somewhat off the beaten track, and does your CD ever deliver! Congratulations to you and your friends on a great addition to the repertoire of recorded SCD music, and please keep similar CDs coming!...I expect to use some tracks to great effect at our upcoming wedding party in August :^) - Anselm Lingnau (Frankfurt, Germany)
This music is really wonderful!!! Our dancers love it! It gives to dancers a great inspiration. And the photos on the CD are so expressive and joyful! - Masha Gvozdykova (Kiev, Russia)
The consensus's Wonderful! We all thought the music had a tremendous energy to it, much more so than other live recordings we have heard - Paula Jacobson (Aptos, CA)
Full of life and richness with lots of variety of texture with the different instruments - Marilyn Stocker (Palo Alto, CA)
I did remember how fantastic several of the arrangements were--Tulloch Gorm was notable for me. Well done! - Tim Wilson (San Francisco, CA)
All I can say is BRILLIANT! The arrangements are great! - Sara Gratiot (Monterey, CA)
I just had to tell you that Dance for Joy! is terrific. The joy absolutely comes through, and I'll bet it becomes a classic and a must-have for everyone's library - Witsie McKelvy (Concord, CA)
Absolutely wonderful! Fantastic job!!! - Fred DeMarse (Alameda, CA)
I got your CD in the mail today and have really been enjoying it :-) I love the arrangement of my tune! It almost sounds Jewish Klezmer, with the oboe and great chordsThanks for sending the CD and for making my tune sound so lovely! - Lydia Byard (Sherman, NY)
I was one of the youth dancers who participated in the "Live at Asilomar" shoot a few months ago -- the music really fits with the "dance for joy" theme and all the tracks will be fun to dance to. I love the layout as well, and the photos show how Scottish country dancing is fun for all ages, can be done almost anywhere, and is an excellent social activity. Overall, I thought it was really well done and I'm so excited that I was able to be a part of it because not only was the finished product amazing, the day at the beach was fun too! - Maddy Butzbach (Alamo, CA)
We love it - the music, the photos and the layout are all great! You guys did a wonderful job! - Karen Butzbach (Alamo, CA)
Reel of Seven with Claire Wyeth, Helen Wyeth (devisor of The Magic of Summer School), and Helen Greenwood (devisor of Best Set in the Hall)